Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Sitting at home....

So it's late...10:14. Any normal person would be getting ready for bed, which most nights that is what I would be doing. But not tonight. Josh is working ( yes at night!) at I always have a hard time going to bed when he's not home. He worked all day today, came home had dinner, and went back to work again. Not before he and I snuck out and had a concrete from Nielsons though. Mmmmm Oreo concrete....my favorite guilty pleasure. We weren't totally selfish though, I brought a quart of vanilla home for the kids. They were happy :)

Anyways I was reading the Parade from Sunday's paper and they were interviewing Richard Gere and Diane Lane about finding love and such and I liked a few of the things that they said. so, I thought that I would share them with you all.

Here they are:

"Happiness is not about being loved, it's about loving someone else. I'm talking about genuine love with a committed partner. Because she is there, you grow, you feel more. You have greater compassion. Real love frees you. It breaks the bonds of selfishness. It makes you larger."

-Richard Gere

" A marriage is a miracle everyday. I can't tell you what the secret is. but there's nothing more challenging in life than an intimate one-on-one relationship where there is such complete exposure to each other. There's nothing riskier." -Diane lane

Well that all for now I suppose. The kitchen is cleaned, but I have the last load of laundry to fold, so I better get to it. Goodnight xoxoxoxo

1 comment:

Abby said...

Those are some great thoughts. Thanks for sharing. I was thinking, too, that not only does it take unselfishness to have a good relationship with your partner, it takes unselfishness to be a good parent, too. Cute little love bird pic!