Friday, October 3, 2008

First Day of School 2008

Well it's time for another year of school. following tradition, we took pictures out front before school. I didn't get any of Colton, after all he's too cool for that now that he's in high school.
(just kidding) It was my fault, I didn't get up that early.

3rd Grade with Doxey/Dolling
(Abby, it's the same Ms. Doxey that you had! Shawna' had her too!)


Pre-School with Ms. Kathryn

6th Grade with Mrs. Pitt


2nd Grade with Mrs. Grondel

Group shot

Silly group shot

In front of the school

This year Dallin and the scouts from our neighborhood participated in the Flag Ceremony at the school.

Dallin addressing the audience.
Ready for school.


Bethany said...

Cute blog! Is Shawna really in 6th grade? She is getting so grown up and beautiful. I love the pics of the rest of your family too.

Unknown said...

Great photos of the kids and house. Thanks for all you do!!! You guys make an old man proud.


Abby said...

I can't tell you how CRAZY it is that my nieces and nephews go to the same elementary school that I did and even have some of the same teachers. Oh, the good old times at Oak Hills. Can the kids still play in 'the oak'? That was the best. And walking home through the ravine was also awesome. We called it the 'dead deer way' because there was a dead deer there once. Ah memories.