Thursday, December 4, 2008

Pizza Night 12-1-08

So every other Monday night is Pizza Night at our house. We make homemade pizza. Sometimes the kids get to make their own "personal" pizzas and sometimes I make family size pizzas. Tonight I was making family size pizzas, and as I was trying to cook/clean up I find Will helping with the clean up.

"Mom it's ok, I like to do this. It's yummy!" favorite
(not the pic that was supposed to come next!)

finishing the clean up
This is what he looked like in between licks. He wanted me to make sure that I got a picture of him licking his lips all the way around.

How can you not enjoy pizza night when you come away looking like this!!
I LOVE IT! It doesn't get any better than this.
Except maybe eating the pizza, as there were no leftovers!

1 comment:

Abby said...

GROSS, WILL! That is FLOUR! Bleck!

And that is a sweet-A tattoo on your arm, buddy.

Way to represent the fam. You make us proud.