Wednesday, December 23, 2009

It's Christmas time!

I cant believe that another Christmas is here! Where has all the time gone? It seems like we were just celebrating Christmas of 2008! (Which was great by the way!) I would like to post pictures of our adventures over the last few months and current adventures, but my computer seems to be having issues. So, here's a little bit of what's been going on since my last post:

September: the kids started school and all seem to like their teachers. Shawna' is adjusting to Jr. High, it's been a little rough, but she's pulling thru! (Sounds like my new position at the school! LOL)

October: School is in full swing, the kids are doing great. Football is in full swing as well. The Bountiful Braves are doing great this year. Josh and I managed a week long escape to Arizona sans kids! We went down to my friend's wedding in Sedona. Can I just say beautiful?! OMG...the area is was the wedding. Not to mention the resort that we stayed at. Can you say room service! I would go stay there again any day!
We celebrated Halloween: Shawna' dressed up as Medusa (she won best costume at the school dance!), Dallin was a bloody psycho dude, Camryn was a vampire, and Will was a Star Wars Clone Trooper. They had a fun night of trick-or-treating! Tons of candy!!

November: A month to be thankful! We have some many things to be thankful for...and yet we all to often take them for granted! We celebrated Thanksgiving at my sister-n-law Vicki's house. Her family was in town for the holiday. We had a beautiful dinner! It was a wonderful day!

December: Shawna' had her first band concert, she plays the trumpet. The whole band played very well. For cub scouts, we participated in the annual Bountiful Light Parade. We pulled a trailer that the cubs decorated. We even had a fire pit (Yes, with a fire in it!) The trailer was packed full of boys! It was so fun, and cold!! We've had a few Christmas parties, and are enjoying the time together. (Well trying too!) Josh has the week off, so it has been really nice to have him home. He took the kids to the bubble...they wore him out! No that's funny!!

So, that's about it. I am ready for Christmas! Gifts are wrapped and we are counting down the days till Santa comes. The kids are excited...and I'm excited too!

From our family to yours: We wish you a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Shauna was doing well. She dropped by today and put, "the touch" on grandpa.