Thursday, August 28, 2008

Trip to the Hogle Zoo (07/24/08)

So my sister in law Vicki called this morning and invited us to go to the zoo with her and Connor and Sam. We weren't doing much, so I packed a lunch and packed up the kids and away we went. (Note to those going to the zoo on the 24th of July: mind the 5k route or whatever the race was!)

Will, Cam, and Dallin checking out some monkey's.
Vicki, Sam, Connor, and Shawna' checking out the monkey's.

The kids waiting to get sprayed by the elephant.

Will just chillin.
More monkey's
GRRRRR...says the Bear
This is my favorite animal at the zoo. A Red Panda. Look how cute he is. I could just take him home and snuggle with him all day long. was so hot. I don't blame them for just wanting to lay around.

Shawna' striking a pose.
Will and his pet snake.
Cam. Connor,and Dallin.
Vicki and Sam.
(She isn't as innocent as she looks!)
My second favorite animal.

My favorite bird.
Who can forget the camels.
The zoo has a carousel now, so we had to try it out. I only got pictures of Shawna' and Will because Dallin and Camryn were on the other side of us and I couldn't get a good shot of them.
Going to the zoo is always an adventure. Thanks Vicki for inviting us to go. It was fun.
(somewhere in doing spell check and such I've somehow deleted the picture of Will...sorry)

1 comment:

Abby said...

So fun! I remember going there on field trips for school growing up, so it is super wierd for me to see a ton of little Kilpack's running around there! So great to see our family growing and going out into the world...or even just to the zoo.
Miss you guys.