Monday, July 21, 2008

Field Trip to the Living planet Aquarium

So, today was our Monday get together and we went to the Living Planet Aquarium. It was so fun. The kids had a blast, and of course I forgot the camera. My cousin Jenny brought hers, so I'll have to get some pics from her. The kids were excited to touch the sting rays and star fish. They had fun checking out the various exhibits.

Thanks to everyone that came, it was fun as always!


Martha Lee said...

I just wanted to tell you how much I love to read your blog. I feel like I am getting to konw your family better by reading it.
Thanks for all the fun stories.
Love you guys even though we are far away.

The Kilpacks said...

Thanks Martha! We can't wait for more updates from you all. Hope all is well with you, Chris and little Joseph.


Christensens said...

Let's go get pedicures for your birthday! Unfortunately I can't come to the Pampered Chef Party, but I was going to tell you...let's get pedis in two Saturdays? Let me know.