Monday, July 7, 2008

Lost Birdie

So, our neighbors have an apple tree that overhangs into our yard and during the spring my kids discovered a Robin's nest their. They were very excited when they found an egg in the nest. Just last week they found that the egg had hatched and there was a baby Robin in the nest.
A day or two later Colton came home and saw this bird sitting on our porch. He thought it was a fake one that I had put there, but when he got closer the bird moved.

Well, eventually the bird made it's way to the back porch and the kids and dog were fit to be tied. I wasn't sure that this was the baby robin, but they were convinced that it was. They wanted to bring it in and take care of it and then put it back in it's nest.
But he ended up leaving. Not sure if the dog helped the bird out :( or if it found it's way home.

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