Friday, September 12, 2008

Getting there....

So, I'm getting things posted. Slowly, but surely I'm getting it done. I posted a couple of big ones today, it's just the beginning. How have I gotten this far behind? Josh would say it's because I never say no to anything and that I'm always volunteering somewhere. He keeps telling me that next year I'm not aloud to do any volunteering. If I don't do it, then who will??? Certainly not him! I do have to give him some credit though. He is going to be the leader for Dallin's scout group this year they are Bears now. My doing of course, but I know deep down that not only will he enjoy it, but he may even have fun doing it! If as a couple you don't try to get the other person to do things just outside of their comfort level, then how do you grow as a person? I think that part of being in a relationship is to help each other grow and move onto new and exciting things, even if it takes some poking and prodding. I mean if it wasn't for Josh encouraging me to get up on the roof with him the other day, and being totally supportive, I don't think that I could of done it. Like he said, how are you going to conquer your fears if you don't try it. Now, I'm still scared to get up on the roof, (it's not the fear heights on this one, it's the whole getting off of the ladder and such), but I am happy to say that I've been on the roof twice now!

OK, so I think that's probably enough babbling for now.

Hopefully this weekend I will be able to get a few more things posted and maybe (dare I say it) get caught up on Blogging?! hahahaha

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