Thursday, January 1, 2009

Trip to Seattle Day Three 12/07/08

On our second full day of being in Seattle we went sight seeing. We crammed a lot into one day, but it was totally worth it. Her are some pics in random order.
At the end of the day we managed to squeeze in visiting the Boeing Flight Museum. I think Josh could have stayed here all day. They had some really neat stuff and lots of it.

One of my favorites.

A flying car. Who knew?!

There were a lot of airplanes in here. This was just the first building. There were like three more, and you could go out and see the Concourse and Air Force One. You could even walk through them, but we didn't get there in time to do that. Josh was bummed.

Some more airplanes.

View from atop the Space Needle. A storm had just moved over us, and this is what it looked like after it left.

Downtown Seattle from the Space Needle.

There was a Seattle Sea Hawks Football game going on while we were visiting.
This is the stadium. I can't believe how many people were there!

Josh bringing me a warm cup of hot chocolate while a top the Space Needle.

What breathtaking views!

On the elevator to go up. I have to say that I was a little bit freaked out by riding the elevator. For those of you who don't know, the elevator is on the outside of the building and the whole front of it is glass. You can totally see how far down you are from the elevator. I wasn't really sure that I wanted to ride it back down. (But I did with much teasing from my husband no less.)

Some more pics from the Space Needle.

Looking out towards some of the islands.

Getting ready to go to the top of the Space Needle.

The Science Fiction Museum. It looked really cool, but we didn't get to stop here. They recommended at least three hours to see everything and we didn't have three hours.

The monorail by the museum.

A view from the restaurant where we had lunch.

After lunch we walked through Pike's Place Market. I loved it! They had everything for any type of meal all right there! I thought that I had died and gone to heaven. There was crab everywhere!
(For those who don't really know me, I love crab tremendously!)
I was able to have some for dinner that night. We ate a place called Ivars. It was wonderful!
(Although I thought that Josh might not kiss me afterwards. He doesn't like any seafood and doesn't understand how I can eat those things. They are like a giant spider!)

After riding the ferry back over to Seattle from Bainbridge Island, we went to the Seattle Aquarium.
It was pretty neat. We hoped it would have been a bit neater though. It was similar to what we have here in Sandy. Except ours isn't on a pier.

At the Farmer's Market.

The entrance to the aquarium. If you look closely at the tank behind us, there are actually scuba guys in there.

We had a busy day, but I enjoyed every minute of it. It was so wonderful to spend some quality time with my husband. The trip was over (too soon in my opinion). On Monday and Tuesday Josh had class, so I just hung out in the hotel room. I napped, ate, napped some more, read, napped, and watched t.v. All of which I don't have a lot of time to do at home.
Thanks honey for inviting me on this trip.l I had a blast!

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