Friday, June 26, 2009

My yard in the spring.

Well, I meant to have this posted earlier this spring when things were starting to bloom, but time seemed to have escaped me.
But, I figured better late then never!

Purple Iris...a transplant from my sister-in-law Meghan.
I was so happy to have tons of blooms from them this year.

I can't tell you how HAPPY I was when I saw that my Hosta had survived the winter!
(Side note: It did not stand up so well to the hail storm we had last week. A post for another day)

The very back of my yard. My work in progress. Last summer/fall I transplanted a few of my Irises and Lilies back here. This "hill" is always in need of work!

These little beauties have grown from seed that my sister-in-law Abby gave to us for Christmas.
Thanks Abby.
(p.s. could you remind me what these are again? I don't remember. Thanks!)

The first buds on my rose bush.

The sugar snap peas.
(Pretty sad to say that as of last week we have harvested the peas. Boy were they tasty!)

The garden was put in just after Mother's Day.
(everything has since quadrupled in size, I have some tomtaoes, bell peppers, jalepenos, and zucchini already. Just waiting for them to ripen.)

Another picture of the back "hill". The strawberry and raspberries are planted over here.
The strawberries have done great this year. Not only have we eaten to our hearts content, but I've also made two strawberry pies!

I love my garden. There is nothing better than growing your own vegetables. I love that my kids can go outside and pick peas, grape tomtaoes, strawberries and such from the garden and eat them. It doesn't get any better than that!


Abby said...

Amy, that yard is absolutely gorgeous! I cannot believe that I'm looking at the same yard that I grew up playing in. That back hill was always overgrown with ivy and it had rats in it. You have done an amazing job. I love love love iris and yours are awesome! It looks like you have got mostly french jolly jester marigolds growing there, as well as one or two court jester chrysanthemums. All of which should get LARGE! I hope they bloom profusely for you, my dear!

The Kilpacks said...

Thanks Abby. We have done a tone of work to the yard.I think it looks pretty good! Thanks for reminding me what flowers are what. Some have little white blossoms on them. As long as I can keep Colton from getting to close with the weed whacker, they should do well. Thanks again!

Unknown said...

That yard and house has never looked so good.

Good job. Dad