Thursday, July 2, 2009

June Roundup 2009

Well, June is now over, and what a busy month it has been. We've celebrated 2 birthdays, had some Girl Scout activites, had lots of rain with some occasional hail, some beautiful sunsets, Will dragging his butt, and so much more!
Here are some photos to fill you in on the last month.
This is a big post, so be prepared!
You've been warned!!!

We've had some beautiful sunsets!

This is Will...
Will decided that after dinner he needed to show us how a dog drags it's but across the floor.
The pictures don't quit capture exactly just how funny this was!

Dallin with his awesome face painting!

In my last post I mentioned that we had some hail and that the cabbage took it pretty well.
Since last month, the cabbage has doubled in size!

Some of the hail.

We harvested all of our Sugar Snap Peas.
Boy were they tasty!

This was the second bowl of peas!

Camryn at her scout awards.
She earned 6 badges and won the elephant for selling over 500 boxes of cookies.
Gotta love the Girl Scouts!

Some playhouse modifications.
We've added two bubble windows (you can sorta see one is the left corner) and what playhouse wouldn't be complete without a pirate flag!
(the pirate flag says: Pirates for Life)

Shawna' attended week long Girl Scout Camp.
The family drove her up to camp to drop her off and see her off.
Camp is located up above Park City.
It is beautiful!

View from the deck.

The main lodge.

The lake.

Camryn and Will at Camp Cloud Rim.

Shawna' participated in the Road Trip Camp.
The girls who went on this camp (about 10 of them) all had to agree on the trip and plan it out.
They choose to go to St. George, see some of the area attractions, hike in Zions National Park and have tons of fun, which she did!
(Let me tell you that the lodge and surrounding facilities are just beautiful. There are some cabins around there as well. Girls Scouts know how to camp!)
(I also have to note that Shawna' knew absolutley no one on this trip! She went solo and met some great girls! I am so proud of you Shawna' for being so willing to do new things on your own!)

At the end of the month we had the awards ceremony for Shawna's troop.
We held it up Mueller Park Canyon. It was pretty up there!

Connor and Will hanging out on the big rock.

Some more beautiful sunsets!

Shawna' receiving her awards.

One of the projects that the girls earned a badge for was making a scrapbook.
(I helped out with the cover page)

Well, now that June is over, what will July bring for us?
Stay tuned!

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